Velcro® Brand Fastener Compatible Neoprene
Velcro® Brand Fastener Compatible UBL Neoprene by the Sheet @ $205, $215, $225 or $235/ sheet
Velcro® Brand Fastener Compatible UBL Neoprene by the Sheet approximately 48" x 80" ~ 28 sq. feet.
2 MM Colored Velcro® Brand Fastener Compatible U-Loop Neoprene by the Sheet
2 MM Colored Velcro® Brand Fastener Compatible U-Loop Neoprene by the Sheet. Approximately 48" x 80" ~ 28 sq. feet.
Velcro® Brand Fastener Compatible UBL Neoprene by the Linear Foot starting @ $45.00 per linear foot
Order linear feet of Velcro® Brand Fastener Compatible UBL Neoprene in .5 foot increments x 50" wide.
2 MM Colored Velcro® Brand Fastener Compatible U-Loop Neoprene by the Linear Foot @ $35.00 per linear foot
Order linear feet of 2 MM Colored Velcro® Brand Fastener Compatible U-Loop Neoprene in .5 foot increments x 50" wide.